Transformers: The Headmasters - S1E19 - Battle to the Death on the Beehive Planet

Show: Transformers: The Headmasters
Episode Name: Battle to the Death on the Beehive Planet
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 19
Guest Stars
Overview Galvatron continues his search for more energy in deep space, unknowingly followed by the Cybertrons. He detects some on a planet called Hive. The Cybertrons continue their pursuit and come across the wreckage of a spaceship that has been destroyed by Megazarak. Chromedome finds a survivor who tells them about Hive and how the planet is ruled by aqueen who lives directly over where the energy is stored. Before dying from his wounds, the survivor asks Chromedome to give his pendant to his son, Michael. Meanwhile, the Destrons begin their assault on Hive. The Destron Headmasters, who have been left behind by Galvatron, are told by Scorponok to patiently bide their time before they overthrow Galvatron. The Cybertrons approach Hive, but are thought to be allies of the Destrons and are attack by the Hive military. Chromedome, Hardhead and Brainstorm try to convince them otherwise, but to no avail. Chromedome decides to go to the planet by himself and there he finds Michael, and gives him t
Air Date 1987-12-11

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