Ed, Edd n' Eddy Information

Show Name: Ed, Edd n' Eddy
Overview Ed, Edd n Eddy is an animated series produced by a.k.a. Cartoon. The premise is that three friends”named Ed, Edd, and Eddy (collectively known as "the Eds")”hang around in their suburban neighborhood of Peach Creek Estates. Led by Eddy, the Eds scheme to make money off their peers, but their plans usually fail, leaving them in various predicaments. The characters almost never leave the neighborhood, and adults are nowhere to be found. Eddy is the unofficial leader of the Eds. He's almost always thinking about money. Double D is the smart one out of the Eds. His cleanliness and hat-prone somehow help Eddy with the scams. Ed is the dumb one (called "mono-brow" or "lumpy" by Eddy). Ed is the one that does all the hard work for Eddy. The three Eds go through their summer, working on scams, liking girls, and dealing with pimples. The series was first aired in 1999 on Cartoon Network and has since attracted millions of fans worldwide. Originally, there were to onl
Genre |Animation|Children|Comedy|
First Aired 1999-01-04
Air Day Of Week Friday
Air Time 8:00 PM
Status Ended
Rating 8.7



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