Top Coppers Information

Show Name: Top Coppers
Overview Top Coppers follows the adventures of cops John Mahogany and Mitch Rust as they attempt to rid the fictional world of Justice City from its deranged criminal underworld. The universe and its characters are derived from the conventions of American and British cop shows of the 70s and 80s, from Starsky & Hutch to The Professionals, but is set in no specific time or country. Big, silly characters and hilarious stories, Top Coppers is filled with familiar tropes and references from the police and action genres, as well as drawing on relatable British situations, problems and relationships. The home of the show is Justice City Police Department, again, inspired by cop shows of the 70s and 80s; the Station Floor, Chief's office, Interrogation Room, Helga's Lab, The Locker Room, The Car, Mayor Brady's office, Prison Cell.
Genre |Comedy|
First Aired 2015-08-19
Air Day Of Week Wednesday
Air Time 22:00
Status Continuing



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