Trash / Gunoi > How to make a VCD

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Posted at 2009-04-19 20:21:25 (791 wks ago)
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Posts: 75

In order to create Video Compact Disks or  Super Video Compact Disks you must have an optical  CD writer installed on your computer and appropriate authoring software. There are essentially two basic formats that can be used on  CD writable media.

1. VideoCD which was the first widely accepted movie on disk format for computer and standalone devices. VCD provides quality approaching that of VHS tape.

2. Super VideoCD which is the next generation of VCD offering higher resolution and sharper images comparable to S-VHS.

                          DVDrequires a DVD writer and authoring software.

The file structures and support files required for each of these disk types is very specific as is the format of the movie itself. Although the file compression in all cases is called MPEG there are vast differences between them.

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