Trash / Gunoi > Burn Wii games

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Posted at 2009-04-19 20:19:12 (792 wks ago)
Deleted Account

Posts: 75

1-first unzip the .wii file to the root of your C drive
(any destination really,just dont ask me why it doesnt
work if u put it somewhere else)
im using zelda.wii as an example, your game may have a difrent name...

2-ok, here`s the trickier part
download this>
unzip the whole file to your C drive

3-go to start> run> CMD
-type in> cd C:unsc04
-now type in> unscrambler

you should now see "unscrambler input output"

4-ok, now type in> unscrambler C:zelda.wii C:zelda.iso
it will tell you when its done, this may take some time depending on your computer

5-burn the .iso file to a dvd (not just any dvd, some brands dont work, i recommend TDK)
burn it with Imgburn, and if u use dvd+r you have to change it to booktype

NOTE !!! Write it with 2x speed for max compatibility


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