Trash / Gunoi > Y!Messenger Smileys for Pidgin

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Posted at 2009-04-19 19:54:31 (791 wks ago)
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Posts: 75

!Messenger Smileys for Pidgin

This Yahoo! Messenger Smileys for Pidgin package was originally provided by Johan ( but the site is offline for quite a while. Since I enjoyed this package under Windows/Linux (yes, I actually hate Yahoo! Messenger because of its poor coding, bloatware & adds), I am going to provide the package. The credit goes to the original author tho.

Because the original package lacks any form of installation, and I am well known as being a huge lazy bone when it comes to installing stuff, I also did some custom packaging of this theme. This means: (1) a self extract arhive which installs the package under Windows, basically a copy of the smiley directory right here: %appdata%.purplesmileys; (2) a basic schell script for Linux (or other UNIX flavor) which moves the smileys directory right here: ~/.purple/smileys/.

Download original package:

Download Windows package:

Download Linux package:


* Windows: extract the archive with any unarchiver which supports the ZIP format (most of them can, even Windows XP/Vista has ZIP support), run the executable which you can find within, and that’s it.
* Linux: extract the archive somewhere where you have write access (if you don’t remember … tar -xzvf smileytheme.tar.gz) climb the contained directory (also if you don’t remember … cd smileythemeinstall/) and run the install script (again, if you don’t remember … ./ If you can’t execute the script (o_O, this should never happen because the tar should preserve the file execute access, but we’re talking about computers after all :-”) try a chmod +x then run it again. After these simple steps you’re good to go.
* The final step which is common for both of the platforms is to actually activate the package. Go to Tools → Preferences (or for lazy bones like me Ctrl+P) → Smiley Themes tab, highlight the Yahoo! - Johan package, and enjoy good looking smileys. I know, the new default Pidgin smiley set was made either by a drunk/stoned designer, or a cheap one.

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