Trash / Gunoi > Understanding Common BitTorrent Errors

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Posted at 2007-08-14 20:14:23 (874 wks ago)
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Posts: 1

(IOError - [Errno13] Permission denied)
Sometime bit torrent still runs in the background, and if you start more than one GUI (the same torrent) it will give you permission denied, go to Task manager and close down all bt-gui

urlopen error - (7, 'getaddrinfo failed')
This means that the tracker is overloaded, just keep the torrent window open and wait.

rejected by tracker -
Your IP is not registered to use this tracker for this file. Register to fix this problem.

Problem connecting to tracker: HTTP Error -1
Leave your torrent running in your client. The client will keep checking the tracker and it should resume eventually.

Problem connecting to tracker - timeout exceeded AND Problem connecting to tracker - (111, 'Connection refused')
There was a problem contacting the tracker. Be patient and leave client open.

Problem connecting with tracker - (10060, 'Operation timed out')
This occurs when an established connection is shut down for some reason by the remote computer, just ignore it

urlopen error (10061, 'Connection refused"
This error results from having no tracker or an unresponsive one but it doesn't mean that a file cannot be downloaded.

Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error(10055, 'No buffer space available')
99% of the time its that you don't have enough free space on your hard drive.

Probably don't have enough free space on your hard drive.
This occurs when an established connection is shut down for some reason by the remote computer, just ignore it

Problem connecting to tracker. HTTP error 503: service unavailable
Have you tried using torrentspy to check on the tracker's status? Maybe the tracker is down for a rest or something bad happened

Piece XXX failed hash check, re-downloading it
Bit Torrent downloaded a wrong packet, so it's re-downloading it, just ignore it.

Bad data from tracker -
Usually you can ignore this, it seems to happen when the tracker is overloaded or otherwise flaky.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 400: Not Authorized
Usually this indicates a stale torrent. try going to the web site associated with the tracker and see if you can find an updated torrent.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Either a stale torrent or site is gone.

Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required
You may need to configure a username and password for your proxy server setting in order to contact the tracker.

Invalid Torrent file
Means the tracker no longer tracks that specific torrent. You will not be able to download using that torrent file anymore.

Bad file info
This generally means the .torrent file used to lauch the download is corrupted and will not run. Try redownloading the torrent or ask the poster for another .torrent

Network bittorrent definitions

A DHCP client is any computer that hasn't got a fixed IP Address, and is set up to 'Obtain an IP address Automatically'

NAT (AKA Network Access Translation) is usually used when you have one public address and several private addresses, then you can portforward port 80 (Web) to one computer, and portforward port 6881 (Bittorrent) to another etc.

A firewall is software that protects your computer from Internet Hackers. The majority of attacks from the Internet are automated, and though they are targeting important computers, they use a 'firehose' method of attacking anything that can be reached - possibly your computer if it is unprotected.

Port Forwarding:
Is when your firewall or router accepts incoming or routes outgoing information through the ports, and forwards this information to and from your computer. So it is very important when using a private Bit Torrent tracker to forward the ports you will be using, so that you may send and receive the information you want. And if you have both a firewall AND a router, it is necessary to forward the ports in BOTH.

"1.66" distributed copies:
Each download is split into many pieces. These pieces are scattered around the swarm and some are duplicated. 1.66 means that there is 1 complete copy, and 2/3rds of that copy is duplicated.

(C) Choked:
When a connection is choked, it means that the transmitter doesn't currently want to send anything on that link. If you have set your maximum connections to (for example), 20 and there are 100 downloaders in the swarm, then 80 of them will be choked by you.

(I) Interested:
Data transfer takes place whenever one side is interested and the other side is not choking. A downloader is marked as interested if the other end of the link has any pieces that the client wants, otherwise the connection is marked as not interested.

(S) Snubbed:
If a connection to another peer is snubbed it means that you are not sending or recieving any information to or from that peer. You will only have a number of connections available to-from your machine, and if one of them is to a peer that hasn't sent you any data for a while (default 60 seconds), snubbing that peer enables you to re-use the connection for a better peer.

(L) Local:
If you started the connection to a peer, it is a local connection. NOTE: If your ports are blocked then you will only make local connections, and your download speed will suffer.

(R) Remote:
If someone in the swarm started the connection to you, it is a remote connection.

Optimistic Unchoke:
Means that at any one time there is a single peer which is unchoked regardless of it's upload rate. This is an excellent coding by creator Bram Cohen when he designed BitTorrent, because it means that no-one can deny (choke) other downloaders if they have a vital part of a file available.

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