Notepad++ 7.6 Installer.exe
[ Release Date: 2018-11-13 | Torrent in English | 4.12 MB]
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Notepad++ v7.6 new feature & bug-fixes

   Add Built-in Plugins Admins. Users can install, update and remove plugins by some clicks via Plugins Admin:
   Change plugin loading method: Remove the legacy plugin loading way and apply only the new plugin loading method.
   Add new message NPPM_GETPLUGINHOMEPATH in Notepad++ API for plugin, so plugin can get its path easily.
   Fix a regression of performance issue while word wrap option is enable.
   Fix a performance issue for switching back to folded document.
   Fix crash issue due to Unix style path input in Open file dialog.
   Fix UTF-8 detection problem: 4 byte characters UTF-8 character can be detected now.
   Enhance/Fix encoding detection/problem.
   Fix auto-indent issue by typing Enter on empty line.
   Fix "Close all but this" behaviour if multiple views are present and some files are dirty.
   Fix tool tip in document switcher showing the old name issue (after being renamed).
   Add autoit and lua autoCompletion.
Torrent Info:Type: Applications | Size: 4.12 MB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 30.11.2018 17:59:06 | Views: 189 | Hits: 21
Language:English  English
Added By:Ecs99
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