IMDB - Fjällbackamorden: I betraktarens öga
IMDb link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2259268
IMDB_ID tt2259268
Released 26 Dec 2012
Year 2012
Runtime 88 min
Genre Crime, Thriller
Director Jörgen Bergmark
Writer Michael Hjorth, Camilla Läckberg, Pernilla Oljelund
Actors Claudia Galli, Richard Ulfsäter, Ellen Stenman Göransson
Plot Anna visits her writer sister Erica and her cop husband Patrik in Fjällbacka. Anna dates a TV host filming in town. A woman's found unconscious, OD'd on insulin. Then a man's murdered. Patrik and Erica investigate. |
5.6 Votes 942