Released 19 Feb 1985 Year 1985– Runtime 30 min Genre Crime, Drama, Romance Director N/A Writer Tony Holland, Julia Smith, Tony Jordan Actors Adam Woodyatt, Steve McFadden, Letitia Dean Plot The everyday lives of working-class inhabitants of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough. The square includes the Queen Vic pub and a street ...
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Last Updated (GMT Time)Thu December 05th 2024 02:42 am
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EastEnders | Crime, Drama, Romance | 1985– | 30 min | N/A | Tony Holland, Julia Smith | Adam Woodyatt, Steve McFadden, Letitia Dean | The everyday lives of working-class inhabitants of Albert Square, a traditional Victorian square of terrace houses surrounding a park in the East End of London's Walford borough. The square includes the Queen Vic pub and a street ... | TV-PG