[ Drama / Action | Torrent in Romanian | 4.20 GB]
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Faimosul paparazzo (1999)6.1 A tabloid photographer is given the assignment to follow a politician suspected to have sexual relations with an underage girl. Genre: Drama / Action Awards: 6 wins & 1 nomination. 1 hour and 22 minutes · Country: Romania Nicolae Margineanu · Production Company: Societatea Româna de Televiziune Cast (limited to 10): Marcel Iures / Maria Ploae / Gheorghe Dinica / Alexandru Repan / Victoria Cocias / Valerio Popesco / Gheorghe Visu / Draga Olteanu Matei / George Alexandru / Adriana Trandafir… Faimosul paparazzo / The Famous Paparazzo (1999)

Filename.........: Faimosul.paparazzo.aka.The Famous.Paparazzo.1999.PAL.DVD5-NoGrp
Container........: DVD Files
Duration.........: 82 min
Size.............: 4.19 GB

Codec............: MPEG-2 Video
Resolution.......: 720x576
Bit rate.........: 5 492 Kbps
Frame rate.......: 25.000 fps
Color............: Color

Format...........: AC-3 DVD-Video
Channels.........: 2 channels  
Bit rate.........: 448 Kbps

Subtitles: Romana  English  French  German  Spanish                                                                      
Language: Romanian 2.0    
Menu: Yes (untouched)
Source: RETAIL DVD5 PAL  All the credits goes to the original uploader - michnea and nietzchehesse !
Traducerea: ALL RETAIL - Multumim!

Scurta descriere in limba engleza si romana

A tabloid photographer is given the assignment to follow a politician suspected to have sexual relations with an underage girl.(IMDb)

A man wakes up one moring to find himself under arrest for a crime he knows nothing about. If you’re not thinking of another piece of great Eastern European art, Franz Kafka’s The Trial, you’re not trying hard enough.

The Famous Paparazzo, a Romanian film directed by Nicolae Margineanu, deals with political corruption, guilt, social injustice and paranoia. If you’re still not thinking about The Trial, I’m starting to think you never read it!

But this film is NOT an adaption of Kafka’s novel. Instead it was based on another novel entitled The Man with Peak and Claws by Rasvan Popescu. In it a photo journalist is sent on an assignment to catch the current prime minister in an affair with an underage girl. The story would certainly become front page news and bring down the prime minister, who has presented himself as a man of the people.

While spying on the prime minister, the journalist finds himself involved in an affair with a Censoreditute. Now it becomes a case of who is just and not just. One man plans to bring down another for the very same action he too is committing.

The journalist, named Gari, is played by Marcel Iures. Iures has appeared in a few American films including Mission:Impossible and The Peacemaker, here though he is quite convincing as a smartalec looking to take down the rich and powerful. In fact the very first image we see of Gari is of himself shaving, smiling arrogantly at his reflection, clearly setting up his character.

The Censoreditute is played Maria Ploae. She too is convincing as a sweet naive woman who sadly meets an unfortunate future.

The film takes place in modern day Romania, meaning it is post-communist, but, are things really that different now? If the press try to take on the political system and find themselves imprisoned, how can you say things have gotten better? Corruption still exists and innocent people are wrongfully accussed.

In a very interesting interview with the director (one of the special features on the DVD) Margineanu says he was attracted to the project because of the timeliness of it. Two incidents which he said made the film timely was the death of Princess Diana (which is why the title of the book was changed for the film) and President Clinton’s affair (hence the story of concerning the Prime Minister). But how odd I found it that Margineanu should cite two non-Romanian incidents as inspirations.

From what I know about Margineanu (and I admit it is not that much) the story seems quite fitting for him. Most of his movies are concerned with politics and Romania’s rule under communist. One of his most recent films, Bless You, Prison is the true story of a young girl who was imprisoned for opposing Stalin and her eventual spiritual awakening.

The Famous Paparazzo may have connected with Romanian audiences. It’s hard for me to say. That is usually the risk an outsider takes when watching a film from another country, but, despite that there are elements for the rest of us to enjoy. Whether or not these are the same thing would be interesting to find out. But the film does have flaws. First of all, I wish the story would have spent a little more time on the relationship between Gari and his wife. And on a purely techinical side, I don’t like Margineanu’s camera equipment. Whatever it is , I don’t think it is shoot on Panasonic. It has a grainy look to it. I mentioned this when I saw his film Somewhere in the East. In that film I thought the look served a purpose. It gave the film a documentary feel. Here though I don’t see any such purpose. I even thought maybe the movie was shoot digitally instead of on film, but when I saw the special features on DVD and a making of segment, I could tell it was shoot on film. But maybe that is more of a personal bias and not really a valid compliant.

In the end The Famous Paparazzo, which was the official Romanian entry for the Oscars back in 2000 (it didn’t win a nomination), is an interesting film which asks some interesting questions. You have to give the director credit for taking on an important subject, which probably means more to Romanians than the rest of us but the fact we can acknowledge that and still enjoy the movie says something positive about it.

Bottom-line: Entertaining and thought-provoking film which hits upon some pretty big questions. The fine cast and good directing make the film worth seeking. (Alex Udvary)

Fotograf la o publicatie de scandal, Gary primeste misiunea de a contribui la compromiterea unui om politic, banuit de relatii cu o minora. Ca sa poata supraveghea camera de hotel a demnitarului, pe care urmeaza sa-l surprinda in compania protejatei sale, Gary se instaleaza in mansarda lui Miss, o Censoredituata trecuta de prima tinerete, personaj tragic, care traieste din amintiri si care va sfarsi prin a se sinucide. Prins intre interese politice divergente, Gary e arestat...(cinemagia).

In fine, am avut ocazia de a vedea, la TVR 3, acest film pe care imi doream sa-l includ in palmaresul cinematografic. Nu face parte din capodoperele cinematografiei romanesti dar e o pelicula importanta a acesteia la sfarsitul secolului XX. La zece ani de la evenimentele care au dus la rasturnarea dictaturii ceausiste in Romania lua din ce in ce mai mult avant meseria de paparazzo sau, romanizat, &paparate&. Paparatele e un individ care face tot posibilul sa faca rost de poze cu vedete in scopul satisfacerii gusturilor mizere ale multimii. In 1999 erau inca vremuri romantice, dupa 13 ani mizeria morala e din ce in ce mai mare asa ca paparazzii prolifereaza. Personajul interpretat de Marcel Iures avea mustrari de constiinta ceea ce in ziua de azi nu se mai intalneste, banul trebuie scos din orice, fie si din piatra seaca. Iures are parte aici de un rol decent care ii ofera, pe alocuri, posibilitatea de a-si pune in evidenta marile calitati actoricesti. Bun rol si pentru Gheorghe Dinica, un personaj complex mai mult pozitiv decat negativ. Aparitie consistenta pentru Alexandru Repan, din pacate mult prea nefolosit de cinematografia romana postrevolutionara. Actori importanti in roluri secundare: Draga Olteanu Matei solida intruchipand cu pricepere o batrana care n-aude dar le potriveste, Gheorghe Visu care isi schimba opinia dupa cum bate vantul, Vlad Ivanov pe atunci cu par si complet necunoscut si George Ivascu, care se rezuma in a bate la masina. De vazut de catre aceia care iubesc cinematografia romaneasca.(sabinalin/cinemagia)
Torrent Info:Type: DVD | PAL | NTSC | Size: 4.20 GB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 14.02.2019 06:01:33 | Views: 129 | Hits: 0
Language:Romanian  Romanian
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