Time Squad Season 1 2 complete Cartoon Network
[ Animation | Family | Torrent in English | 4.11 GB]
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Time Squad, Cartoon Network's tenth original Cartoon Cartoon first aired on June 8, 2001. Created by Dave Wasson, the series is a true homage to Jay Ward's Peabody and Sherman. Time Squad explores the humorous, yet unknown events in our world's history.

The story involves an orphan, Otto Osworth, who happens to meet two time travelers from 100 million years in the future. Time Squad officer Buck Tuddrussel, an overly excited, trigger-happy time cop, and his partner, the Larry 3000, a communication robot. The two end up taking Otto under their wing because of his extensive knowledge of world history. In an effort to enforce the past to protect the future, the trio travels back in time to pivotal points in history to correct them. With Otto's knowledge of the past, Larry's technical know-how, and Officer Tuddrussel's brute force, the squad travels from era to era convincing historical figures to stick to their original in plans to maintain the time-space continuum.


Directed by:
Dave Wasson, Larry Leichliter

Written by:
Dave Wasson,
Torrent Info:Type: Kidz | Cartoons | Size: 4.11 GB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 11.01.2018 18:08:59 | Views: 160 | Hits: 2
Language:English  English
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