[ Animation / Action / Comedy / Family / Musical / Sci-Fi | Torrent in Romanian | 4.42 GB]
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Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018)6.8
· Its's about courage. It's about action. It's the super hero movie to end all super hero movies... Hopefully.
It seems to the Teens that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies-everyone but the Teen Titans, that is. But de facto leader Robin is determined to remedy the situation, and be seen as a star instead of a sidekick. If only they could get the hottest Hollywood film director to notice them. With a few madcap ideas and a song in their heart, the Teen Titans head to Tinsel Town, certain to pull off their dream. But when…
Genre: Animation / Action / Comedy / Family / Musical / Sci-Fi
1 hour and 24 minutes · Country: United States
Aaron Horvath / Peter Rida Michail · Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation · Budget: $10,000,000
Cast (limited to 10): Greg Cipes / Scott Menville / Khary Payton / Tara Strong / Hynden Walch / Will Arnett / Kristen Bell / Eric Bauza / Michael Bolton / Kal-El Cage…

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018)

Filename.........: Teen.Titans.Go.To.The.Movies.2018.PAL.DVD9.RODUBBED-WiNTeaM
Container........: .iso
Duration.........: 84 min
Size.............: 4.41 GB

Codec............: MPEG-2 Video
Resolution.......: 720x576
Bit rate.........: 6 334 Kbps
Frame rate.......: 25.000 fps
Color............: Color

Format...........: AC-3 DVD-Video
Channels.........: 2 channels, 6 channels  
Bit rate.........: 192 Kbps, 448 Kbps

Subtitles: Romana   English   Arabic  Hebrew  Portuguese                                                                                    
Language: English 5.1, Hebrew 5.1, Portuguese 5.1, [colo=red]Romanian 5.1[/color]
Menu: Yes (untouched)
Source: RETAIL DVD9 PAL  All the credits goes to our friend - Mocunaman!
Traducerea: ALL RETAIL - Multumim!
Adaptarea: raducalin1 @ SubZero Team

Scurta descriere in limba engleza si romana

It seems to the Teens that all the major superheroes out there are starring in their own movies-everyone but the Teen Titans, that is. But de facto leader Robin is determined to remedy the situation, and be seen as a star instead of a sidekick. If only they could get the hottest Hollywood film director to notice them. With a few madcap ideas and a song in their heart, the Teen Titans head to Tinsel Town, certain to pull off their dream. But when the group is radically misdirected by a seriously super villain and his maniacal plan to take over the Earth, things really go awry. The team finds their friendship and their fighting spirit failing, putting the very fate of the Teen Titans themselves on the line.(IMDb)

Tinerii Titani sunt cinci adolescenți speciali și curajoși, cu puteri supranaturale și un scop comun: să lupte împotriva răului. Se pare că toți marii supereroi joacă în propriile lor filme - toți, cu excepția Tinerilor Titani. Dar, în realitate, liderul Robin este hotărât să remedieze situația și să fie văzut ca un star, nu doar ca un ajutor. Dacă ar putea să ajungă la cel mai tare regizor de filme de la Hollywood pentru a-i observa, ar fi ideal. Cu câteva idei nebunești și un entuziasm fără măsură, Tinerii Titani se îndreaptă către Tinsel Town, determinați să își realizeze visul. Dar, atunci când grupul este direcționat în mod greșit de un ticălos și de planul său malefic de a prelua controlul asupra Pământului, lucrurile iau o turnură periculoasă. Echipa Tinerilor Titani își găsește prietenia și spiritul lor de luptă pălind, punându-și propria soartă într-un real pericol.(cinemagia)

Torrent Info:Type: Kidz | Cartoons | Size: 4.42 GB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 18.11.2018 10:22:03 | Views: 240 | Hits: 0
Language:Romanian  Romanian
Added By:Ecs99
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