Mike Lu Og (Complete Series)
[ Animation | Children | Comedy | Torrent in English | 4.32 GB]
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Mike, Lu & Og was an American animated television seriesthat ran on Cartoon Network, produced by Kinofilm Studios. The show was the seventh Cartoon Cartoon, based on a short for The What-A-Cartoon! Show. Created by Chuck Swenson, the show follows a girl named Mike, a foreign exchange student from Manhattan; a stuck up island princess named Lu; and a native boy and gifted inventor named Og. The trio takes part in a variety of adventures as Mike and the island's natives share their customs with each other. 26 half-hour episodes were produced, featuring two stories per episode. The series aired from 1999 to 2001 on Cartoon Network, and featured voice actors Nika Frost as Mike, Nancy Cartwright as Lu, and Dee Bradley Baker as Og. It began airing on Boomerang in May 2006. Mike, Lu, and Og stopped airing on Boomerang in June 2008 but returned on September 1, 2008, and can currently be seen on Cartoon Network Video.

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Torrent Info:Type: Kidz | Cartoons | Size: 4.32 GB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 30.04.2018 12:53:04 | Views: 103 | Hits: 0
Language:English  English
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