[ Adventure / Family | Torrent in Romanian | 2.26 GB]
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An: 2016
Țara: SUA
Gen: Adventure / Family
Regizor: Joe Menendez
Autorul scenariului: Stephen Brown, Zach Hyatt, Alex J. Reid, David G. Stanley, Scott A. Stone, Jonny Umansky
Actori: Isabela Moner, Dee Bradley Baker, Daniel Cudmore, Jet Jurgensmeyer, Michael Benyaer, James Black, Greg Cromer, Colin Critchley, Catia Ojeda, Darcy Hinds, Oscar Torre, Kirk Fogg, Jaret Martino, David Michie, Jon Molerio
Durata: 01:05:07
Limba: InRomana
Traducere: Profesionistă (dublată)

Despre film:
What seems to be a boring jungle tour turns into a fight for survival when three siblings stumble into a hidden temple. Now, their knowledge and their wits are put to the test as they have to complete a series of obstacles and outsmart the dreaded temple guards in order to escape the temple alive.
Torrent Info:Type: Kidz | Cartoons | Size: 2.26 GB | Hash: System protected! | Added on: 14.07.2017 19:51:17 | Views: 201 | Hits: 0
Language:Romanian  Romanian
Added By:Ecs99
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[Report] Posted: 16.07.2017 at 14:31:57

multumesc lui JDoe pentru coloana audio macar. te durea ceva sa pui? pe bune, va luati laudele pe munca altora. era fain sa il puneti si la vip.

[Report] Posted: 16.07.2017 at 14:32:00

multumesc lui JDoe pentru coloana audio macar. te durea ceva sa pui? pe bune, va luati laudele pe munca altora. era fain sa il puneti si la vip.

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