Animals United (2010)
PG Rating: PG

4.9/10 from 5091 users Updated : 2018-08-27

Rating: 3.8/10

[fresh!] 25% [audience liked it!] 27%

Animation , Adventure , Comedy , Family

James Corden , Stephen Fry , Andy Serkis , Dawn French , Vanessa Redgrave , Jim Broadbent , Jason Donovan , Omid Djalili , Sean Schemmel ,
Marc Thompson , Jason Griffith , Mischa Goodman , Elisabeth Williams , Jessica Owen , Erica Schroeder

Reinhard Klooss , Holger Tappe


A group of animals waiting for the annual flood they rely on for food and water discover that the humans| who have been destroying their habitats have built a dam
for a leisure resort.